Page 34 - IRMSA Risk Report 2021
P. 34
Redistributionist socialist dogma, Policy remains contradictory and Cabinet introduces reforms to
led by idealism and populism, confusing. People start ignoring labour market policy, secures
takes the place of growth-focused the Government and the State. property rights, and dispenses
reformist policy. An assault is Resistance continues to grow, with affirmative action/
launched against democratic and the Government quashes empowerment policies in favour
institutions, property rights, and any dissent in its tracks. of an empowerment model based
POLICY critical or dissenting voices. on growth and employment, and
significantly reduces bureaucracy
to improve the ease of doing
business in SA.
Service delivery protests South Africans are more in Policy changes are effectively
increase dramatically and take sync with each other as they implemented. A professional,
on repugnant racial and ethnic see a more coordinated state effective, and efficient civil
undertones. delivering better services. SA has service arises, irrespective of the
become a place where popular political party in power. SA is no
The increasing failure of service uprisings have given way to the longer a country where people
delivery at municipal, provincial rising of the people, taking charge wait for government to do
and national levels leads to loss or their own destinies. Promises something for them, but one in
DELIVERY of human life and the overall of a better life for all become which they do it for themselves,
deterioration in living standards more tangible, not only through with the government helping to
across greater parts of society the actions of government, but create the conditions for them
overall. more so through the power of to do so.
people taking charge of their
own destinies.
Two classes of South Africans A new model of authoritarian An equitable solution to land
become apparent: one within capitalism sees the erosion of reform is provided for all
the walls and one outside the democratic rights and freedoms, citizens whilst the high levels
walls. They have truly little to do but also an improvement in the of productivity and quality of
with each other. Unemployment material conditions of almost all agricultural products, for which
continues to rise. South Africans South Africans. SA is renowned, are maintained.
7 continue to fight over scarce The economic rebound results
jobs. This is exacerbated by an in collaboration between the
INEQUALITY increase in xenophobic attacks formal and informal sectors,
and fake news. encouraging entrepreneurship
and small-business development,
in turn leading to improved living
conditions for all.