Page 39 - IRMSA Risk Report 2021
P. 39
Scarcity of unified, ethical and visionary leadership refers and unethical leadership. If one compares the period in
to a deterioration of morals and principles amongst which President Cyril Ramaphosa has been leading the
the leaders in a country. Government is in power in country to the Zuma era, things appear to be on the
order to serve the people, provide the parameters for mend. Media should be giving more airspace to positive,
everyday behaviour for citizens, protect them from uplifting stories – and the whistle-blowers should
outside interference, and provide for their well-being or be celebrated rather than being shunned. Business
a conducive environment to ensure well-being. should demand ethical leadership from government.
There is a loss in confidence of unified and ethical Government should demand the same from business
leadership in the ruling party. As a result, South Africa and accountability should be the norm. Interventions to
is facing the risk that the mobile, up-and-coming youth ensure improvements exist. However, the knowledge of
leveraging digital transformation – and the wealthy the problem areas and interventions required have not
minority – will emigrate to other countries, which they created a desire to change. There is a lack of tangible
view as better governed than South Africa. This exit of a action and recourse.
productive, ethical and competent workforce will diminish
the future high earners and pool of taxpayers. This will It should be noted that interventions have started to
result in civil unrest due to a lack of funds and provision pave the way towards better outcomes. Covid-19 can
of services to the marginalised and unemployed majority accelerate ethical leadership and swift punishment of
without the option of leaving. those who took advantage of pandemic vulnerability.
The focus is much more on doing “good” for the benefit
The absence of ethical and visionary leadership will of society at large, rather than just maximising profits.
almost certainly exacerbate other risks at country level, Covid-19 set the framework for a brighter future with
such as civil unrest as the pace of service delivery gets ethical leadership, moral standards and putting people
impacted through unethical practices, as well as the triple and purpose ahead of profits. There must be a change
challenge of poverty, unemployment and inequality that in the reward system, rewarding ethical behaviour and
will persist. those who are doing “good” – this to shun and crowd out
the unethical minority.
The Covid-19 pandemic was a double-edged sword for
South Africa. We already had our own pre-Covid economic The best leaders have that priceless combination of
challenges off the back of structural debt issues, coupled humility and natural strength of character. Many South
with unethical leadership (state capture). Covid-19 Africans just need an opportunity – and there are so
reforms represented green shoots of life at the start of many untold success stories that the media can leverage
the lockdown in South Africa, which quickly eroded as the to change the public opinion on unethical leadership.
months went by. This resurgence of confidence in South “I’m hoping that we have given people a bit of hope to
Africa at the start of the pandemic has been decimated. pull together as a country to make it better,” said Siya
Covid has now been a catalyst for emigration, with a wave Kolisi, South Africa’s 2019 World Cup winning captain.
of leavers and many reluctant to stay in the country going
forward. On the other hand, Covid-19 has also been a Another example is EOH CEO Stephen Van Coller setting
catalyst for potential prosecution of unethical leadership the new narrative for EOH to put purpose before profit,
and criminals. We have seen several arrests in the last which resulted in the share price recovering. The South
few months of 2020. This is positive. If built on, with more African organisations of the future that will succeed and
arrests and other tangible recourse, those that left the be profitable will be those that are open, honest and
country may consider returning. Those still in the country transparent about the wrongs of the past – and clear
may reconsider their intentions to emigrate. about their purpose: to add value to society at large.
The media plays a major role in formulating public
opinion and shedding light on the corruption of a divided