Page 57 - IRMSA Risk Report 2021
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        For  businesses,  the  opportunity  exists  to  accelerate  a   5 years.
        transformation  towards  digital  operating  models,  while
        enhancing  productivity.  When  it  comes  to  the  Fourth   The  following  transformative  technologies  have  been
        Industrial Revolution (4IR), technology has demonstrably   identified:
        helped societies manage the Covid-19 crisis and provided   1.  Artificial Intelligence (AI): The use of AI is gaining
        a window into the benefit of technology-enhanced ways of   momentum. This will accelerate as the technology
        learning, working and producing – from telemedicine and   matures and the use-cases become better defined.
        logistics  to  the  knowledge  economy.  There  is  potential   For example, PwC is already leveraging AI technology
        for  a  new  era  of  innovation,  growth  and  enhanced   to speed up investigations through the use of
        technology  in  the  service  of  governance,  environmental   natural language processing on unstructured data.
        and sustainability (GES) goals.                       2.  Augmented Reality (AR): Augmenting a virtual world
                                                                  into the real world.
        Although lockdown has had economically destructive    3.  Block chain: Block chain creates trust because it
        effects,  it  has  also  had  some  positive  effects.  These   represents a shared record of the truth. Trusted
        include:                                                  data will help power other new technologies to
        Fuelling the tech-enabled, contact-free economy (including   dramatically increase efficiency, transparency and
        telemedicine, online retail, and social-distancing delivery   confidence.
        and  logistics,  which  promise  to  boost  employment  in   4.  Internet of Things (IoT): IoT is moving towards more
        certain  areas  and  sectors);  changing  mindsets  and   intelligent devices – not just passive monitoring but
        making  remote  working  acceptable,  thus  widening  the   also performing actions based on what the sensors
        net  of  available  resources  and  roping  in  those  who   or devices might be detecting. An example in the
        previously  may  have  been  precluded  from  employment   mining industry: sensors that can be used to detect
        based  on  their  geography;  prompting  businesses  to   air quality or even ground stability.
        repurpose their industries (for example: producing PPEs/  5.  3D printing: Due to the advancements in 3D printing,
        ventilators)  and  adopt  new  technologies  such  as  3D   the manufacturing industry will be revolutionised.
        printing;  accelerating  technologies  such  as  AI,  drones,   This presents a cyber risk whereby organisations’ IP
        robotics and genetic engineering to enhance productivity   and schematics become critical and will be targeted
        and competitiveness; fast-tracking the implementation of   by attackers due to the ease of production.
        online learning portals and creating the opportunity for   6.  Virtual Reality (VR): Creating a simulated experience
        home-based learning across all societal levels.           in a virtual world. For example: organisations
                                                                  simulating disasters using VR glasses, to show
        As  a  developing  nation,  we  can  leverage  off  developed   employees how to react in a real disaster.
        nations and avoid incurring huge R&D costs and/or trial-  7.  Robotics: There are huge advances in the building of
        and-error costs. We can also deploy the latest technologies   robots, with hydraulics being replaced with synthetic
        without  being  tied  down  by  legacy  technology.  Some   materials that look and feel like human tissue.
        of  the  challenges  preventing  South  Africa  from  taking   8.  Drone Technology: Drones are unmanned vehicles.
        advantage of these advances include:                      This includes flying drones, terrestrial drones or
        •   Digital  spectrum  allocation  delays  and  indecision.   even submersibles that can be remotely controlled
            Infrastructure  is  indeed  the  cornerstone  of  modern   or fly autonomously following embedded route plans
            society, consisting of a grid-like network of roads, rail,   (working in conjunction with onboard sensors and
            water  supply,  electrical  grids,  the  built  environment   GPS). From surveillance to distribution, the uses for
            and digital networks.                                 such technology are endless.
        •   High  input  costs  (electricity;  water  supply  and
            availability; transport and logistics).           Businesses  are  starting  to  use  a  combination  of  these
        •   Skills deficit/mismatch, which constrains the country’s   technologies  to  fast-track  business  transformation.
            industrial development.                           Refining problem-solving skills, deepening computational
        •   “Red  tape”,  limited  incentives  and  seed  capital  to   abilities,  thinking  systematically  and,  most  importantly,
            assist entrepreneurs in starting new businesses.   mastering the social world are critical to succeeding in
                                                              the 4IR.
        PwC recently analysed the top 250 emerging technologies
        and have compiled a list of 8 technologies believed to be
 !      the most transformative to organisations in the next 3 to

        Sources: Communication and Digital Technologies Notice-591
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