Page 73 - IRMSA Risk Report 2021
P. 73


        Unless and until risk management stops being considered a separate activity from running the business, managers and executives
        will continue to see little strategic benefit. To transition the shift in mindset, risk professionals must have certain traits. Certain
        personality traits can stand in the way of a risk professional being able to put on the different personas required for effective risk
        management. Wearing different hats is an art form that can take years to refine.

        Consider these hats:

                                               THE HAT AN ULTIMATE
                                             INTEGRATOR MUST WEAR

              ARCHITECT          FACILITATOR             COACH           COMMUNICATOR          INFLUENCER

          Executives are not   Focus on helping the   Wearing this hat, you   Wearing this hat, you   You do not need to
          interested in following   organisation to succeed   must be an internal   must speak the language   be a C-suite executive
          a particular risk   and not simply to avoid   business coach by   of business and not   or hold a lofty title to
          management standard.   failing. Wearing this   providing advice and   the language of risk, so   wear this hat. When
          Wearing this hat, you   hat, you must facilitate   perspective in one-  that communication is   wearing this hat, your
          must figure out what   conversation, ask the right   on-one conversations,   meaningful and valuable   job is to influence
          they need, deliver   questions, and ask difficult   while keeping yourself   to business. You should   behaviour, decisions,
          it, and ensure that   questions. You should be   and the business   speak about risk, and   and the direction of the
          it is embedded into   able to set off a controlled   focused on the results   measure risk, in terms of   organisation. Success
          everyday decision-  burn of contained and   that must be achieved.  business-performance   here relies on the ability
          making.             productive conflict by                    metrics to demonstrate   to systematically create
                              bringing together the right               that you understand the   rapid, profound, and
                              perspectives, creating                    business values, needs,   sustainable change in a
                              a common platform for                     objectives and drivers.   few key behaviours.
                              collaboration and carefully               This will help to build
                              revealing the most                        trust and respect.
                              important differences
                              of opinion for further

                                      SOURCE: ADAPTED FROM CAROL WILLIAMS          6

        The above personas can, to an extent, be developed over time but an effective risk management professional will need to possess
        at least some capacity for each of these if they are to ultimately influence the direction and decisions of an organisation. Being wired
        for these personas is important because they are, after all, traits not skills.

        6 accessed 5 December 2020.

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