Page 71 - IRMSA Risk Report 2021
P. 71


        Executive  and  non-executive  directors  consistently  complain  that  risk  management  does  not  provide  strategic  advantage  or
        valuable insights to decision-making. They say that no real insight is given, and risk reports are typically a list of known risks that are
        a rehashed or updated version of what business leaders already know.

        Concerning risk management not providing strategic value, the likely culprit is that risk management is set up and viewed as a
        separate process instead of an integral part of managing an organisation for success. However, there is a bigger underlying cause:
        the risk management team works with business units to understand risks and generate reports, but they are not invited to the
        strategy development session, where the real value of risk management could come to the fore.

        Risk professionals must change their mindset and improve their competencies if they are to overcome this problem. They must
        understand that risk management is not about their standard, framework, knowledge, interests, skills, or background. It is not even
        about managing the threats to the organisation. It is about ensuring that organisational objectives are met and that the company
        is successful and sustainable. Norman Marks  clarifies that: “the effective management of risk enables more informed decision-
        making, from the setting or modification of strategy to the decisions made every day across the extended enterprise.”

        Carol Williams explains that for there to be a shift in how executives react to risk management, risk professionals must transform
        themselves and their mindset. A changed mindset does not come naturally and requires focused effort on the part of the risk

        A few other pointers for shifting your mindset include:

                                                                                          FOCUS ON DECISION-
                                      KEEP YOUR EGO IN                                         MAKING
              MAINTAIN                     CHECK                                          Remember, it is not about
              NEUTRALITY             Strategic planning is not    COMMUNICATE            the risk register. Although it
           The risk professional’s   a “risk management” or a   Constantly communicate   can be disheartening to see
             role in strategic       risk discussion. The risk   and engage business      business file your reports
          planning is to provide a    professional is merely     to explain your role,   away never to be read again,
          unique perspective, ask   part of something bigger.   your neutrality, and the   risk professionals must
          the right questions, and   Offer and ask what you can   perspective you can bring   remember that their role is
          ensure the right people    contribute to ensure the    to the conversation.     to help the organisation’s
            are in the meeting.     right discussions take place                         leaders make risk-informed
                                                                                           decisions, which include
                                    in the most beneficial way.         .                deliberate risk taking and not
                                                                                            just risk avoidance.

        4 Marks, N, World Class Risk Management, 2015
        5 Blog:

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